Mariam Shibly

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Hair Laser Removal - Luxe Laser Beauty Spa

Before I jump into how much I LOVE my experience with Luxe Laser Beauty Spa, I need to give you my history with laser hair removal in general. I have been trying laser treatments since when it first came out in 2006-2008 and continued to try with different lasers all the way 2012, then I gave up. I never had a great experience with any of the lasers I tried. They used to offer 'permanent' solutions and later on they corrected themselves by stating it's simply a hair 'reduction'. Most of these lasers were IPL or the laser intensive that worked better with lighter hair color or lighter skin tone. My laser experience has completely CHANGED with Luxe Laser Beauty Spa (who will also donate 20% of your payment towards Syria if you mention Mariam Shibly). Barely any hair growth within the first treatment, no ingrowns, no mess, and best part no pain! BUY 6 TREATMENTS AND GET 2 FREE -- very reasonable pricing and so worth it.

I went back to waxing and was hesitant to try laser again up until recently (2017) when I found out about Luxe Laser Beauty and Spa. Trust me, I would not be raving about this if I wanted to waste your time and money. I truly believe this is a permanent solution! Luxe Laser Beauty Spa uses the GentlePro Laser, which works fantastically with darker coarser hair and Asian/Middle Eastern skintone. It really felt like this laser was meant for me! I truly recommend you give them a try especially if you've had the worst of experiences. Better yet, don't forget to mention MARIAM SHIBLY to have 15% of your payment be donated to Syria through Karam Foundation!  This laser requires NO gel, NO mess, NO pain, NO ingrowns. You don't even feel it! Take advantage of their promotion as well, buy 6 treatments and get 2 free! You do need to shave just before the appointment and have zero lotion or product on. Below you'll find progress for each treatment. I hope you are have just as an amazing experience as I am!


  1. Half legs laser treatment (12/14/17): NO pain at all during the treatment. In 4 weeks, I only shaved once for the actual appointment. I had very light hair growth by my 4th week -- you know when you wax and 2 weeks in your hair starts growing back, that's the kind of growth I had MINUS the in-growns. I was so pleased with my appointment I decided to add on full legs and under arms going forward.

  2. Full legs & under arms laser treatment (1/12/18): Once again NO pain at all, I felt a slight pinch on my inner thighs, but that was barely noticeable. Since it was my first time doing thighs, by the 4th week I had very little hair growth as if I had just waxed and it was growing back in. My half legs, since this was their second treatment showed ZERO hair growth. I didn't have to shave once since the appointment and it felt great to not have to worry about this on vacation. My underarms had the most drastic improvement by far, I did a light shave right after the appointment and ever since I haven't experienced hair growth there at all and it's been 4 weeks! I'm so shocked and grateful. I really hope it stays away and I don't get carried away by not checking if I have to shave or not hehe.

  3. Full legs & underarms laser treatment (3/2/18): it’s been 7 weeks since the last appointment and I found some patches of hair on the sides of my legs around the 6th week, but the rest of my legs and underarms are completely clear! I can see the pores decreasing as well, which is awesome. On the 7th week though, I felt like a lot of the patches were slowly getting bigger with more hair growing. Am I getting spoiled by having no hair growth for over a month? I think so. Hopefully in due time though that I won’t have to deal with these patches again. Honestly I don’t even bother shaving the patches until the appointment because the hair that did grow back were very thin and were barely visible! So when I went for my treatment this time around I asked why am I seeing more hair growth than usual and it’s because my appointment was delayed by 3 weeks. We have to stay on top of the hair growth cycle to eliminate it in the best manner. Fortunately, it’s really easy to get back on track by scheduling your next appointment 4 weeks out. As usual, this laser hair treatment didn’t hurt. If I had to say where I did feel a pinch it would be near my inner thighs. Other than that, it was super fast and painless! I scheduled my next appointment 4 weeks out, can't wait to see how these results do!

  4. Full legs & underarms (4/3/18): it's been about 4-5 weeks since my last appointment and I'm happy to say I'm back to no hair growth on my legs! I did experience hair "growth" on my legs in the second week, but that was actually the hair follicles falling out. Once all the hair fell out on my legs, I didn't see anymore hair growth! My underarms just grew light and extremely thin hair just last week, but I haven't seen hair growth up until then. My appointment was once again was painless and extremely thorough to eliminate the chances of patches. The technician said to expect hair follicles to appear 14 days after the laser treatment because that's when they tend to fall out. With summer hopefully around the corner (since spring has let us down) I can't wait to show you how the pores have decreased on my legs as well!

  5. Full legs & underarms (5/8/18): I have to say I love the progress that I'm seeing and truly getting spoiled. I believe around the 4th week (aka last week) I saw some baby hair growing back in tiny spots over my legs and a little spot in one of my underarms, so I did a quick shave. Nothing grew back and it's been a week--so I'm excited! Today is my fifth appointment so I believe the laser will continue reinforcing the zero hair growth or causing hair to fall out if there are any (which was what the baby hair patch was). As usual it's painless and super quick. I love seeing these girls too, they're super genuine and very thorough!

  6. Full legs & underarms (6/18/18): So my hair growth has been pretty phenomenal. I've been spoiled with barely having to shave. The week before my appointment, I noticed a lot of light hair growing back in patches especially around my knees and thighs. It wasn't really noticeable, but I did shave. Also, I learned something--try to avoid using harsh scrubs especially in sensitive areas like your underarms, I ended up creating scabs after scrubs and having to postpone this appointment a week later so that they'd heal. Anyway, I let Asna know of my concern how light hair is growing back and she said it's a sign that the laser is working, but light hair is the hardest to target so in order to beat it, you increase the intensity of the laser. Once again, most of my legs the laser is painless, just around the surrounding Brazilian area do the pinches sting a bit more. My level of intensity has gradually gone up from level 16 to 22 so I'm proud and it's still tolerable. I'm on my 5th full treatment and results have been amazing. I always think to myself, why didn't I just start with full body.

  7. Full legs & underarms (7/30/18): I've really been enjoying my laser hair results. First of all, I haven't experienced in-growns in forever so I had to remind myself to tell you guys that. It's been awesome and has really helped prevent any new markings on my legs. Second of all, I don't shave. I really don't shave my legs. There's BARELY any growth and if there is, it's extremely light and unnoticeable hair. I love it. Recently though on my underarms, I've had to shave 2-3 times. Not sure what's going on with my hormones, but hair has been growing back only in my underarms. This time at my appointment, Asna has once again upped the laser intensity on both my underarms and legs. On my legs it still feels very painless, if I feel any stings it would be around my inner thighs. My underarms with the newest level of intensity (and probably the highest she'll have me go at level 20) I do feel stings of pain especially deep in my armpit, however, that's probably the only area. Luckily the underarm area is super small and goes by fast, so I don't feel the pain too long. I have 2-3 treatments left and I'm loving how effective it is on my legs and praying the same for my underarms. Love it!

  8. Full legs & underarms (9/14/2018): I haven’t shaved since my last laser hair appointment and my legs have been 98% clean shaven. I do see light hair growth, but because it’s SO light I don’t bother shaving. Because the hair growth isn’t everywhere, it’s literally one or two hairs I totally forgo the shaving. Same thing for my underarms, they’re so clean I honestly forget to even check if there’s any hair growth. I always catch one or two light hairs, but it’s still not enough for me to bust out my razor. At my appointment, we stayed at the same level of intensity due to my skin tone and to prevent any burns. Asna did an awesome job lasering the back of my legs to make sure none of that peach fuzz tries to go back. I love my decision to laser and can’t wait to see how it lasts! I have one more appointment and then I’m set (touch-ups in the future).

  9. Full legs & underarms (11/03/2018): So let’s talk about my progress in between treatments and so far. I’ve been SO spoiled, I know I keep saying that, but I can’t emphasize it enough. I literally don’t have razors on deck, if I ever needed to shave. I had to go out and buy some to shave for this appointment. So because I was so spoiled by the flawless results, I haven’t really been checking my legs and underarms either. When it finally came time to shave for my last appointment today, that’s when I noticed, hey I actually do have hair growth. So I would say about 25% of my hair had grown back, but I didn’t notice it for SO long because it was the thinnest hair ever. It’s literally lighter than peach fuzz, so I couldn’t see it when I was changing my clothes. I only noticed it under the bathroom light and when I looked closely. I told Nasma what happened and she said, it’s completely normal. The laser’s purpose is to reduce hair growth and that it has done tremendously. I just finished up my appointment, same laser levels as per usual. It was a little more painful than usual just because I had finished my period and your body is more sensitive than usual. Other than that, it went perfectly. We expect to do touch ups every 3-4 months, which I plan on doing so on a need basis. So what did I think of all my treatments so far? This has been the most outstanding laser hair removal experience. I didn’t have to purchase any hair removal materials for like 2-3 months at a time. I didn’t have to wait for my hair to grow a certain length to remove it, dealt with zero ingrowns, my legs ALWAYS looked clean (even if there was peach fuzz, no one can see it). It’s only 8 treatments, versus waxing is at least once a month and it can get so expensive. Not to mention all the ingrowns, pain, lack of long term effect and time consuming waxing can be. I 100% vouch for this laser at the Luxe Laser & Beauty Spa and I’m so happy with my results. I hope you guys love your experience as well! NEW Clients can mention my name for 20% off your treatment (excludes packages) or if you decide to go with a package, you can get buy 6 treatments and get 2 free, as well as have 20% of the package donated to Syria! I love them, I’m going to miss Nesma, but I’ll be back for touch-ups!


  • 10/01/2018: I started noticing very light hair growth all over my legs after my last treatment so I shaved (a month after last treatment) and I didn’t see much hair growth again.

  • 01/15/2019: I noticed light hair growth again mostly on my legs. My underarms grew very thin and fine hair. I shaved again to remove the hair and I see now that a week or two post shaving the light hair growth begins. The hair growth is still nothing in comparison to what my hair was like on my legs and underarms. It grows back very slowly and thin. It’s barely noticeable until it grows long.

  • 3/15/2019: I’ve been shaving once a month now and I’m starting to experience some in-growns again as well as dark spots are coming back, but very little and nothing in comparison to waxing. I contacted Luxe Laser to schedule some touch-up treatments, which I’m looking forward to. My hair growth is still very light, but to keep the slow and avoid spotting on my legs, I’d like to start doing touch-ups.

  • 4/05/2019: I got my first touch-up treatment since I finished up my 8 treatment package. I thought I’d do it now since a) I have time b) before I get tan in the summer. I was shaving about every 4 weeks and my hair growth was extremely slow. I did notice my second ingrown on my leg and I wanted to stay on top of it by scheduling a touch-up appointment. Having to shave only every 4 weeks with barely any hair growth, is still worth the pricing that I’ve invested into laser. With waxing, hair grows back every 2 weeks, not to mention the wait time and all the unfortunate in-growns that comes with it. I met with my girl Nesma and we touched up my underarms, my thighs and legs. She stuck with the same level of intensity as our last treatment, which was slightly painful since I wasn’t as used to it. As usual it went super swift and quickly. I really enjoy their laser not just for hair removal, but also because it helps lighten the scars on my legs, takes care of in-growns for a long time (I haven’t seen an ingrown for a whole year) and magically helps with the dryness on my legs as well. I’ll probably a schedule a touch-up on as needed basis. Let’s see when I’ll need the next one!

  • 8/05/2019: I got my second touch-up treatment since I finished my 8 treatments. I absolutely LOVED not having to shave all summer long, not literally because I did end up shaving twice this summer, but the hair growth was SO thin nobody can see it except me. I ended up going back for a second touch-up treatment because I noticed the hair growth was coming back a little quicker and I liked the rate that it was at previously. Spoiled, I know. As our hormones continue to fluctuate so will our hair growth. Also besides of the lack of hair growth, the spots and texture on my legs have significantly improved. It’s such a drastic and positive change that I really do look forward to showing a little skin nowadays. Not to mention my underarms have been extremely pleasant, they haven’t darkened and rarely do I have to worry about them. It’s seriously a luxury that I’ll continue to invest in because waxing and other hair removal methods are NOT worth it. They cause more problems like scarring and in-growns, you have to remove your hair more often and it can get pretty pricey. Laser hair removal is the choice of method for me.

  • March 2020: I’m pregnant and I was wondering how my hair growth would be during this journey. I’ve been taking prenatal vitamins, which encourage hair growth of course. I did notice light hair growth on my legs and underarms, however, it is extremely light. I am really pleased with this treatment because I only had to shave my legs twice and it pretty much got rid of the light hair growth. As for my underarms, there’s extremely light stragglers that I’ll take a dry razor to wipe once a month. The results have been great!