how to make a capsule wardrobe

ABW Fashion Blog | 5 Socially Distant Ways to Spread Fashion

Photography by Maha Studios

Photography by Maha Studios

Being Realistic:

Collectively, we all can agree that the pandemic has affected us to some degree. Spending a copious amount of time indoors and practicing precautionary measures outdoors is exhausting. The silver lining amidst the “new norm” is that we can all still be fashionably forward. A simple rule of thumb to a fierce outfit is to go shopping in your closet! A dash of inspiration, sprinkle of creativity along with the pieces (clothing and accessories) you currently own is an ideal foundation. In addition, below are 5 ways to jazz up your style that are sustainable and preserve ecological integrity

5 Sustainable and Preservative Ways to Spread Fashion:

1.    Slow Fashion

We encourage in Investing in a piece that will last a while. Think quality over quantity. When browsing for pieces (clothing, accessories, etc.) take some time and visualize at least 3 outfits of yourself wearing it with the items you already have. If you can’t come up with an outfit, don’t buy it. In stores (post-covid19), try on the piece, take pictures. Light hits differently in pictures versus in real life. A certain color palette that looks good to the eye may look atrocious in pictures (A big no-no).

2.    Go Vintage

By vintage, we mean pieces from previous eras not pre-COVID. We all have the creative ability in putting pieces together. It depends on what you like. There is no right or wrong in styling vintage pieces. If you have never explored vintage, invest in something small, like a purse or bracelet, and play around with that.  A classic vintage piece can be pricey but there less expensive pieces available that can be a dealbreaker. We recommend doing a little bit of research to find stores within your area. They do exist!

3.    Upcycle

To the extent the life of your existing clothing, a possible idea is to upcycle; transforming existing products to cut down on waste. Perhaps a maxi dress that you’ve had for years can be cut down to a midi dress or a skirt. To our South Asian readers, swap your flats for khussas to add a unique touch. Another creative idea is to tailor your existing pieces for a fresh facelift.

4.    Know Yourself

Before making any purchase, ask yourself “Am I really going to wear this piece worthy enough to buy?”  We are all human after all and are attracted to a sale or a new collection drop. There’s nothing wrong with that. It is important, to make a conscious effort in following your intuition not what others are doing. Comfort over everything. Set your own fashion trend!

5. Minimalism

Simplicity is the key word here. Less is more. An innovative approach to a conscious closet is to try minimalism. You’d be surprised how much you can work with a small closet.

 Have any other ideas to add to our list? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you!

ABW Fashion Blog | How to Be: Fashionably Confident

Photography by Maha Studios

Photography by Maha Studios

What is Self-Confidence?

Self-confidence is one’s trust in themselves, one’s abilities, one’s judgment, one’s identity. Self-confidence can be built with positive comments or damaged with negative comments. If one is confident in their own abilities and judgment, they will turn the negative comments into a critique. On the other hand, if one is doubting their own abilities and judgment, then one may take personal offense to the negative comment, which can lead to damaging their confidence and self-esteem. Self-confidence is simultaneously your shield and your drive.

5 Ways to Boost Self-Confidence:

1.    Do not compare yourself to others

Whether comparing your career, status, your social media following, or even your physical appearance, a comparison is not healthy. Once you start comparing yourself to others you ultimately start to envy them which starts to make you feel worse about yourself. When you do not compare yourself to others you inevitably feel better about yourself in every aspect.   The only comparison should be to yourself. By focusing on yourself, you will improve yourself and ultimately become the person you want to be.

2.    Take care of your health

It is very important to take care of your body by staying hydrated, getting the proper amount of sleep, eating a balanced meal, and staying active. There have been several studies showing a direct correlation between self-care and self-confidence, the more we take care of ourselves the more our self-confidence boosts. When we start to make our bodies happy, we start loving the efforts as well and continuously strive to make ourselves happy

3.    Exercise self-compassion

Often when we fail to accomplish something, make a mistake, or experience a setback we tend to blame ourselves. As it has been said we are our harshest critics which is not good for our self-confidence. Everyone makes mistakes and has setbacks, but we need to cut some slack on ourselves. We should not use negativity when we fail because no one is perfect, the best that we can do is learn from our mistakes and build from positive feedback so that we can accomplish our goals.

4.    Accept self-doubt

We tend to believe that we need to be 100% confident in order to complete a task. Confidence is gained by doing the exact thing we may think we are unable to do, thus challenging ourselves and promoting self-growth. The key to growing is believing in yourself by making the effort and stepping out of your comfort zone. A familiar example we’ve all experienced is studying for our exams. Countless hours spent learning the material,  yet we review until we are about to start the exam. We doubt ourselves that we haven’t studied enough (although we have) and go the extra step in wanting to learn more. Knowledge is power. In conclusion, the more we push ourselves the more we can grow.

5. Dress to impress—yourself

The way we dress is very important.  If we fail to make the effort in dressing ourselves, it’ll be less likely that we will make the effort in achieving our tasks. Whereas, if you dress up in clothes you feel comfortable and confidant in, it will boost your self-confidence. Do not dress to impress others because it may not be your style. Dress to impress YOURSELF. Fashion is what works for you, not what works for everyone else. Everyone has their own trend, their own outfits, and styles that work for them. Only you know what pieces empower you! When you embrace that, it elevates your self-confidence.

Inhale Positive, Exhale Negative

Self-Confidence is to trust yourself, to know that only you can build it and only you can let it break. It is crucial to focus on yourself to be able to build self-confidence and no one else can do it for you. Yes, others can impact it, but only if you allow them to. Embrace the positive comments and transform the negative. Boost your self-confidence, be at peace of mind, and make yourself happy.