Mariam Shibly

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ABW Fashion Blog | How to Be: Fashionably Charitable


Photography by Maha Studios

Charity - A Purpose

Charity is a means to lend a hand in need, support those around you, and spread humanity in general. Charity is a humble act of kindness. We usually associate a monetary value to the word ‘charity’, on the contrary, it is also the actions taken to help those around you. Paying for coffee for the car behind you at a coffee shop, smiling at someone, donating your time, sharing words of positivity – all of these are act of kindness. This sounds great and in reality looks good but what is the purpose? Why do we do charity?

4 Reasons To Practice Giving 

Any effort we put into our lives is an investment for our future. Meaning, if today we help someone then one day that help will come around to us when we need it. When you choose to give, you may not even realize how much of an impact you’ve had on the person/project. 4 reasons to give:

  1. Gratitude – A thankful heart 

Giving gives you an opportunity to be thankful for the things you have now. Life is busy and it is good reminder to always be thankful regardless of the situation. Your act would also inspire others in doing the same and promote happiness.  

2.    Empowerment – Creating a change 

This is a two way benefit for the giver and the receiver. We’ve mentioned that giving can be done with finances, time, and actions. It is also empowering to feel that your contribution (doesn’t matter big or small) is making someone else’s life better. The receiver, on the other hand, rests assured that they are not alone in this big yet small world. We all here for each other, we are humans. 

3.    Paying it forward – A Cycle 

Charity is a concept of ‘paying it forward’, meaning delivering a helpful gesture to  someone and in return they help someone else – the cycle continues. The important idea is to keep the cycle going while modeling the way for our future generation. Be an inspiration. Create a legacy.  

4.    Teamwork - #DreamTeam 

Charity doesn’t have to be a one man show. A collective effort of contributing towards a project or cause yields big results, thus, providing the opportunity to experience and be inspired. Teamwork makes dream work, why not make it creative?

Lights! Camera! Action!

Welcome to the world of fashion. A platform to experiment different styles, be inspired by others styles, all while having fun with it and discovering your unique fashion sense along the way. Fashion is fluid. It’s a representation of your personality and comfort. Fashion shows such as New York Fashion Week are productions that are looked forward to by fashion enthusiasts. Similar to a charity project, fashion shows involve: collaborative teamwork, hard work, extensive communication, passion, and drive to deliver a splendid show.

Fashion x Charity

People get bored easily. To keep the cycle of giving going, creativity is key. One way to give back to our communities is via fashion. A commonality between charity and fashion is the teamwork involved working for a common goal. Fashion shows, like A Blessed Wardrobe, attract many individuals that not only like fashion but their presence is a contribution towards helping those in need. Hosting a production doesn’t have to be on a large scale. The idea is to help. Every contribution, every effort, every participation helps in making the lives of the less fortunate brighter.

Local Involvement = Big Change

A Blessed Wardrobe hosts a smaller fashion production working with local vendors providing an opportunity to for them to expand their businesses and for all of us to practice charity. Under one roof, individuals get to experience:

  • The immense growing talent in our communities.

Ethnic and fusion fashion brands for both males and females, delicious indulgences by our food vendors, the latest in jewelry, and modest fashion. We are always on the hunt for discovering more brands.

  • A full fashion runway

Voluntary models from our community helping designers showcase their latest collections.

  • Silent Auction 

Generous donations from various vendors to help towards our charitable cause. 

  • Entertainment 

Putting the spotlight on local artists showcasing their unique talent.

Charity starts from within our inner core, caring about those around us. A spark to make a change along with a little creativity, dynamite team, and a dash of patience are the keys in making a difference.